Why Live Vertically?

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Through countless incarnations our souls have journeyed and traveled in many material dimensions, and lived in many countries and cultures on planet Earth and beyond. Always accumulating the value and understanding of each life upon its completion, the lessons and challenges experienced are remembered within the Soul. They are placed with the Akashic records, some are realized and some are learned over and over again. The Akashic is a storage of all soul experiences of all those who have chosen to incarnate into separateness from Source. 

Yes, we as a human species are joined together in Oneness at a higher level than our minds can comprehend, in the Human Collective. But from the engrossed viewpoint, the feeling of separateness seems so solid, so real. It is really illusion, as the ancient yogis have shown, and quantum physics has proven in science laboratories. NOW is the time where science meets religion, and is the new understanding of our true being and origin.  

It is within each one of us, as we journey to new ‘lands’ inside our Selves to discover our Light and our Divinity. To open-up and blossom like a flower, as a metaphor of our evolution into Divine transformation, connection, and union. 

Microcosm and macrocosm are found throughout the seen and unseen worlds, and our lives are but a piece in that cosmic puzzle.  We are incarnated on this earth by our own choice, choosing our parents and soul family. We love this planet that our Sacred Source has created, and we are here to journey ever closer to our Christhood as co-creators with the Universe. We are the hands and senses of Spirit, with Divinity at our core.

It is here we arrive at ‘Living Vertically’. This is the road traveled within us, the enlightenment of our Souls living in a physical body and expanding into new dimension. The sacred chakras, or energy fields, inside our being are awakening and moving vertically along the spine from our base into the infinite. We open the portals of each chakra into the Vertical Pillar of Light with activation, as part of our ascension. It takes practice and focus to stay in ‘center’, and keep the intention to move into higher vibration with every day. 

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