The ‘Observer’

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How do we enlighten ourselves?
It starts with observation, or as quantum physics may call it, being the OBSERVER of your life. From this vantage point you are no longer living solely through your emotions and mind, but are becoming clear of the programming to engage in life dramas and struggles. You are riding your ‘wave of life’, and attracting higher thoughts/emotions (gratitude/love) and energies into your day. You are rising above the wheel of karma, and attracting Love, Light, and goodness into your life instead of struggle. This is truly the key. When you come upon a potential trigger to engage in negative thought/emotion (fear/anger), you pull back and view it from your Higher perspective as the OBSERVER. 

Let’s say you are driving on the freeway, and of course, there are those in more of a hurry in life, and they recklessly cut you off. Okay, now what? What are your choices in this very NOW moment? You can get really pissed-off and let all your anger out exuberantly with a flip of the 2nd finger. OR… you can choose to take a deep breath, and from your Observation Deck, where your Higher nature lives… can create a chuckle, and let it go (without re-action). Well easier said than done, RIGHT! It takes practice and patience. So, dare yourself… next time this happens, at least WATCH your action (or re-action), and is it a clear intention action… or based on past programming?  

Even if you do for some time still get angry and swear out loud, every time, if you simply NOTICE your behavior, you are moving in the direction of aligning with your Higher Being.  This is amazing work. Living Vertically is part of that alignment within your true Self. It is also about living in the present moment of (4D-5D). Being here NOW! This is where living life in its very fullest occurs! 

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